Department of
Economics & Statistics

Government of Nagaland

Government of India
Civil Registration(Births and Deaths)
CRS Annual Report 2024 ViewDownload
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2009
                        Registration of Births & Deaths 2009 ViewDownload
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2010
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2011
                        Registration of Births & Deaths 2011 ViewDownload
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2012
                        Registration of Births & Deaths 2012 ViewDownload
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2013
                        Registration of Births & Deaths 2013 ViewDownload
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2014
                        Registration of Births & Deaths 2014 ViewDownload
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2015
                        Registration of Births & Deaths 2015 ViewDownload
        Birth and Death Registration Form
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2018
                        Registration of Births & Deaths 2018 ViewDownload
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2020
                        Registration of Births & Deaths-2020 ViewDownload
        Registration of Births & Deaths-2021
                        CRS_Annual Report 2021 ViewDownload
Economic Census
        Fifth Economic Census, April-May, 2005
                        Fifth Economic Census ViewDownload
                        Sixth Economic Census (part 1) ViewDownload
                        Sixth Economic Census(part 2) ViewDownload
                        Sixth Economic Census(part 3) ViewDownload
                        Sixth Economic Census(part 4) ViewDownload
                        Sixth Economic Census(part 5) ViewDownload
Economic Survey
Economic Survey 2023-24 ViewDownload
        Economic Survey 2010-11
                        Nagaland at Glance ViewDownload
                        Agri and Allied Sectors ViewDownload
                        Economic Infrastruture ViewDownload
                        Social Infrasturcture ViewDownload
                        Price ViewDownload
                        Banking ViewDownload
                        State Finance ViewDownload
        Economic Survey 2012-13
                        Economic Survey 2012-13 ViewDownload
        Economic Survey 2016-17
                        Economic_Survey_2016-17 ViewDownload
        Economic Survey 2018-19
                        Economic Survey 2018-2019 ViewDownload
        Economic Survey 2019-20
                        NAGALAND ECONOMIC SURVEY 2019-2020 ViewDownload
        Economic Survey 2021-22
                        Nagaland Economy Survey 2021-2022 ViewDownload
                        Nagaland Economy Survey 2021-2022 (Part2) ViewDownload
        Economic survey 2022-23
                        Economic Survey 2022-2023 ViewDownload
        Economic survey 2023-24
Employee Census
        Govt. Employee Census 2009
                        Government Employee Census 2009 ViewDownload
        Govt. Employee Census 2010
                        Government Employee Census 2010 ViewDownload
        Govt. Employee Census 2011
                        Government Employee Census 2011 ViewDownload
        Govt. Employee Census 2013
                        Government Employee Census 2013 ViewDownload
        Govt. Employee Census 2014
                        Government Employee Census 2014 ViewDownload
        Govt. Employee Census 2015
                        Government Employee Census 2015 ViewDownload
        Government Employee Census 2012
                        Government Employee Census 2012 ViewDownload
Gender Statistics
Gender statistics 2023 ViewDownload
        Gender Statistics 2016-17
                        1. Foreward ViewDownload
                        2. Acknowledgement ViewDownload
                        3. List of Acronym ViewDownload
                        4. CONTENTS ViewDownload
                        5. Important Constitutional and Legal Provisions for Women in India and Nagaland ViewDownload
                        6. First Women in Nagaland ViewDownload
                        7. Highlights ViewDownload
                        8. Population and related Statistics ViewDownload
                        9. Health Statistics (page1) ViewDownload
                        9. Health Statistics (page2) ViewDownload
                        9. Health Statistics (page3) ViewDownload
                        10. Education (page1) ViewDownload
                        10. Education (page2) ViewDownload
                        11. Participation in Economy ViewDownload
                        12. Participation in Decision Making ViewDownload
                        13. Social Obstacles in Women's Empowerment ViewDownload
                        14. Miscellaneous ViewDownload
        Gender Statistics 2017-18
                        1. Foreword ViewDownload
                        2. Acknowledgement ViewDownload
                        3. List of Acronym ViewDownload
                        4. List of Index ViewDownload
                        5. Highlights ViewDownload
                        6. Populations ViewDownload
                        7. Health ViewDownload
                        8. Education & Literacy ViewDownload
                        9. Participation of Economy ViewDownload
                        10. women's Participation in Decision ViewDownload
                        11. Social Obstacles in Women's Empowerment ViewDownload
                        12. Miscellaneous ViewDownload
                        13. Definations and Explanations ViewDownload
        Gender Statistics 2019-20
                        Gender Statistics 2019 ViewDownload
        Gender Statistics 2020-21
        Gender Statistics 2021-22
        Gender Statistics 2022
                        Gender Statistics 2022 ViewDownload
        Gender Statistics 2023
                        Gender Statistics 2023 ViewDownload
Index Of Industrial Product
Index of Industrial Production March 2022 ViewDownload
Index of Industrial Production July 2022 ViewDownload
Index of Industrial Production August 2022 ViewDownload
Index of Industrial Production November 2022 ViewDownload
        Index Of Industrial Product 2004-05
                        List of Factories Industries & Address base on Annual Survey ViewDownload
        Index of Industrial Production January 2022
                        Index of Industrial Production January 2022 ViewDownload
        Index of Industrial Production February 2022
                        Index of Industrial Production Feb 2022 ViewDownload
                        INDEX OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION MARCH 2022 ViewDownload
        Index of Industrial Production April 2022
        Index of Industrial Production June 2022
                        Index of Industrial Production June 2022 ViewDownload
        Index of Industrial Production July2022
                        Index of Industrial Production July 2022 ViewDownload
        Index of Industrial Product 2023
                        IIP January 2023 ViewDownload
                        IIP Febuary 2023 ViewDownload
                        IIP March 2023 ViewDownload
                        IIP April 2023 ViewDownload
                        IIP May 2023 ViewDownload
                        IIP June 2023 ViewDownload
Miscelleneous Statistics
        Horticulture Survey Report 2015
                        Survey on Horticulture Fruit Crops in Nagaland-2015 ViewDownload
        Local Bodies Accounts 2016
                        Local Body Survey Report 2014-16 ViewDownload
National Sample Survey
National sample Survey 76th Round ViewDownload
        National Sample Survey 65th Round
                        NSS 65th report ViewDownload
                        Appendix ViewDownload
        National Sample Survey 66th Round
                        NSS 66th APPENDIX ViewDownload
        National Sample Survey 67th Round
                        NSS 67 Unincorporated Non-agricultural Sector ViewDownload
                        Appendix B ViewDownload
        National Sample Survey 68th Round
                        NSS 68 EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPOYMENT ViewDownload
                        NSS 68 House Hold Consumption of Various goods ViewDownload
                        NSS 68th Consumer Expenditure & employment ViewDownload
                        68 Round NSS ViewDownload
        National Sample Survey 69th Round
                        NSS 69 Report of central & State Sample Data ViewDownload
                Water Sanitation Hygiene Housing Condition
                                                1. Preface ViewDownload
                                                2. Survey Highlights ViewDownload
                                                3. Index of Detailed Tables ViewDownload
                                                4. Chapter One- Introduction ViewDownload
                                                5. Chapter Two - Concepts and Definitions ViewDownload
                                                6. Chapter Three - Particulars of Living Facilities ViewDownload
                                                7. Chapter Four - Housing Characteristics ViewDownload
                                                8. Chapter Five - Micro Environment ViewDownload
                                                9.1 Comparative Study of NSS 65 and 69 Rounds on Housing Conditions and Amenities in Nagaland ViewDownload
                                                9.2 Comparative Study of NSS 65 and 69 Rounds on Housing Conditions , Amenities in Nagaland ViewDownload
                                                9.3 Comparative Study of NSS 65 and 69 Rounds on Housing Conditions and Amenities in Nagaland ViewDownload
                                                10.1 Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                10.2Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                10.3 Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                10.4 Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                10.5 Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                10.6 Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                10.7 Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                10.8 Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                10.9 Appendix A - Estimations Procedure ViewDownload
                                                11. 1 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 2 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 3 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 4 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 5 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 6 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 7 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 8 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 9 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 10 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 11 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 12 Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                11. 13 Appendix B ViewDownload
        National Sample Survey 71th Round
                        1. PREFACE ViewDownload
                        2. Highlights ViewDownload
                        3. INTRODUCTION ViewDownload
                        4. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS ViewDownload
                        5. Morbidity and Hospitalization ViewDownload
                        6. Childbirth and Maternity Health Care Services ViewDownload
                        7. Status of the Aged Persons ViewDownload
                        Appendix A ViewDownload
                        Appendix B (part1) ViewDownload
                        Appendix B (part2) ViewDownload
                NSS 71st Round Education
                                                1. NSS Report on Social Consumption in Nagaland ViewDownload
                                                2. Preface ViewDownload
                                                3. Survey Highlights ViewDownload
                                                4. Contents ViewDownload
                                                5. Abbreviation & Acronym ViewDownload
                                                6. Introduction ViewDownload
                                                7. Concepts & Definitions ViewDownload
                                                8. Level of Education, Current enrollment & attendance status ViewDownload
                                                9. Participation & Expenditure on Education ViewDownload
                                                10. Drop outs and Discontinuance ViewDownload
                                                11. Access to Computers & Internets ViewDownload
                                                12.1. Appendix A ViewDownload
                                                12.2. Appendix B ViewDownload
                                                NSS 71st Round Education (Full) ViewDownload
        National Sample Survey 72thRound Domestic Tourism
                        1. PREFACE ViewDownload
                        2.Highlights ViewDownload
                        3.CONTENTS ViewDownload
                        4.INDEX OF STATEMENTS ViewDownload
                        5. Abbreviations & Acronyms ViewDownload
                        6.INTRODUCTION ViewDownload
                        7. CONCEPTS & DEFINITIONS ViewDownload
                        8. FEATURES OF DOMESTIC TOURISM ViewDownload
                        9. DOMESTIC TOURISM EXPENDITURE ViewDownload
                        Appendix A (part1) ViewDownload
                        Appendix A (part2) ViewDownload
                        Appendix B ViewDownload
        National Sample Survey 73rd Round
        National Sample Survey 75th Round
                        NSS 75 ROUND- HOUSEHOLD SOCIAL CONSUMPTION ON HEALTH ViewDownload
Price Statistics
        PRICE 2007
                        Price 2007 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2008
                        final CPI 08 ViewDownload
                        Yearly 2008 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2009
                        April to June 09 ViewDownload
                        Jan to March 09 ViewDownload
                        July to Sep09 ViewDownload
                        Oct to Dec09 ViewDownload
                        yearly 2009 FINAL ViewDownload
        PRICE 2010
                        July Sep10 Final ViewDownload
                        Oct To Dec10 Final ViewDownload
                        Yearly Price Statistics 2010 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2011
                        Oct To Dec11 ViewDownload
                        2011 YEARLY Fnl ViewDownload
        PRICE 2012
                        Quarterly Price Statistics March 2012 ViewDownload
                        Yearly Price Statistics 2012 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2013
                        Jan to Mar 13 ViewDownload
                        Quarterly Price statistics June 2013 ViewDownload
                        Quarterly Price statistics July to Sept 2013 ViewDownload
                        Quarterly Price statistics Oct to Dec2013 ViewDownload
                        Yearly Price Statistics 2013 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2014
                        Quarterly April to June 2014 ViewDownload
                        Quarterly July to Sept 2014 ViewDownload
                        Quarterly Oct to Dec 2014 ViewDownload
                        Yearly Price statistics 2014 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2015
                        Yearly Price 2015 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2016
                        Price 2016 quarterly ViewDownload
                        Anl Price statistics Report 2016 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2017
                        Price Statistics Quarterly Jan to Mar2017 ViewDownload
                        SECOND QUARTERY April to June 2017 ViewDownload
                        THIRD QUARTER July to Aug 2017 ViewDownload
                        4th Quarterly price Oct to Dec2017 ViewDownload
                        Price CPI ANNUAL 2017 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2018
                        Price CPI 1ST QUARTER 2018 ViewDownload
                        Price CPI 2ND QUARTER 2018 ViewDownload
                        Price bulletin 2018 yearly ViewDownload
        PRICE 2019
                        1ST QUARTER(CPI)2019 ViewDownload
                        Annual Price Bulletin 2019 ViewDownload
                        Price - 2nd Quarter 2019 ViewDownload
                        Price - 4th Quarter 2019 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2020
                        Price - 1st Quarter 2020 ViewDownload
                        Price - 2nd Quarter 2020 ViewDownload
                        PRICE 3RD QUATER 2020 ViewDownload
                        PRICE 4TH QUARTER 2020 ViewDownload
                        ANNUAL PRICE BULLETIN 2020 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2021
                        CPI FOR RURAL, URBAN & COMBINED FOR THE QUARTER JANUARY-MARCH 2021 ViewDownload
                        CPI FOR RURAL, URBAN & COMBINED FOR THE QUARTER APRIL-JUNE 2021 ViewDownload
                        CPI FOR RURAL, URBAN & COMBINED FOR THE QUARTER JULY-SEPTEMBER 2021 ViewDownload
                        ANNUAL PRICE 21 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2022
                        ANNUAL PRICE BULLETIN 2022 ViewDownload
                        URBAN & COMBINED FOR THE QUARTER 1ST QUARTER ViewDownload
                        CPI FOR RURAL, URBAN COMBINED (April- June) 2022 ViewDownload
                        URBAN & COMBINED FOR THE QUARTER OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2022 ViewDownload
        PRICE 2023
                        1ST QUARTER PRICE 2023 ViewDownload
                        Annual Price Bulletin (Part 1) 2023 ViewDownload
                        Annual Price Bulletin (Part2), 2023 ViewDownload
                        Price Second Quarterly 2023 ViewDownload
                        Price Third Quarterly 2023 ViewDownload
                        Price Fourth Quarterly 2023 ViewDownload
State Domestic Product
Survey Report 23 Feb ViewDownload
        State Domestic Product 2008-09
                        State Domestic Product 2008-09 ViewDownload
        State Domestic Product 2010-11
                        State Domestic Product 2010-11 ViewDownload
        State Domestic Product 2011-12
                        State Domestic Product 2011-12 ViewDownload
        Nagaland State Domestic Product 2011-12 Series
                        State Domestic Product 2011-12 Series ViewDownload
        Nagaland Gross State Domestic Product (2011-12 base)
                        GROSS STATE DOMESTIC PRODUCT OF NAGALAND at current and constant prices ViewDownload
        State Domestic Product 2009-10
                        State Domestic Product 2009-10 ViewDownload
                        1. Foreword ViewDownload
                        2. Acknowledgment ViewDownload
                        3. Contents ViewDownload
                        4. Executive Summary ViewDownload
                        5. Introduction ViewDownload
                        6. Hotels ViewDownload
                        6.1. General Characteristics ViewDownload
                        6.2. Facilities & Accommodations ViewDownload
                        6.3. Employment Details ViewDownload
                        6.4. Financial Aspects ViewDownload
                        7. Restaurants ViewDownload
                        7.1. General Characteristics ViewDownload
                        7.2. Employment Details ViewDownload
                        7.3. Financial Sector ViewDownload
                        8. Tea & Snacks Stall ViewDownload
                        8.1. General Characteristics ViewDownload
                        8.2. Employment Details ViewDownload
                        8.3. Financial Aspects ViewDownload
                        9. Detailed List of Tables ViewDownload
                        9.1. Appendix I ViewDownload
                        9.2. Appendix II ViewDownload
                        9.3. Appendix III ViewDownload
                        9.4. Appendix IV ViewDownload
                        Survey Reports on Hotels & Restaurants in Nagaland 2020 (full download) ViewDownload
        GSDP 2020-21
                        GSDP 2020-21 Report ViewDownload
                        GROSS STATE DOMESTIC PRODUCT OF NAGALAND AS ON JULY 2021 ViewDownload
        SDP 2022
                        GROSS STATE DOMESTIC PRODUCT AS ON FEB, 2022 ViewDownload
        State Domestic Product 2023
                        GSDP as on 13th March 2023 AE ViewDownload